Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How to earn money from youtube - Youtube Monatization


YouTube Monetization & Partner Program - Tips Or Tricks 2018
YouTube is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others. Originally created in 2005, YouTube was founded by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Javed Karim. YouTube is now one of the most popular websites on the web, and visitors watch 6 billion hours of video every month
One of the reasons why YouTube is so popular is the number of videos you can find. An average 100-minute video is uploaded to YouTube every minute, so there's always something new to watch! You'll find all kinds of videos on YouTube - beautiful cats, intelligent cooking demonstrations, fun science lessons, quick fashion tips and much more.

Create YouTube account

To create a YouTube account, you must submit some basic information. Here are some steps to show you how to create a YouTube channel.
1.            Step
Go to YouTube.com and click the Sign-Up link
2.            Step
Enter your e-mail address and a password
3.            Step
 Fill in the Re-type Password and Username fields.
4.            Step
 In the Location drop-down list, select the country where you live
5.            Step
Enter your postal code
6.            Step
Click to select your gender and enter your date of birth
7.            Step
Type the characters (letters and numbers) from the colored box into the Word Verification field.
8.            Step
Check or uncheck the next box with the unwieldy name: Let others find my channel on YouTube if they have my email address.
9.            Step
Check the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy box after you read all the legalese
10.         Step
Click the Create My Account button

How to create quality content YouTube

Here are some reasons to look into the use of YouTube. If you already have a YouTube channel or plan to start one, here are ten ways you can grow your channel - Marketing YouTube.

1.                Build Videos Around a Single Keyword Phrase.
This is the best way to build traffic to your channel. So before you get started, think about what keywords people want to find in your video / channel. For example, if your channel is about soccer and you want people to find you using those keywords, use it in your video titles.

2.                Entertainment, Education, Inspiration. 
The effectiveness of your YouTube channel depends on the percentage of videos you watch. If your visitors are disabled from your content, they will not end. The success of your videos depends on three areas: entertainment, education, and interest. If your video doesn't provide any of the above three features, it means you need to start planning how your future videos can be linked.
3.                Naming Playlists
You can always be creative with titles. YouTube viewers love videos starting with the "Top 10" or "Top Reasons". So you can submit creative playlists like SLC. Be creative as your video titles can get tons of attention.

4.                Engage Your Audience
                   There are always consequences for quality social content. YouTube is a social             network, and Facebook and YouTube take advantage of large subscription channels - likes, dislikes, shares, total time spent on the channel, time spent viewing, likes and dislikes, and most importantly. So, comment on your videos or leave a text message (at the end of the video), try to respond to every question you receive, and end with a question (they will respond). This is the key to building awareness in your channel.

5.                Get Your Channel Branded
If you have rich, engaging and valuable content, it's important to label it visually. That means outstanding cover images, bio, video thumbnails, custom URLs (link back to your site for more inquiries), promotions, entertainment or education.

6.                Promote Your YouTube Channel on Other Social Platforms
One of the easiest ways to build your audience is to promote your YouTube channel on social channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Twitter and Instagram are another option, but it does not allow any video - meaning you can only provide links. After that Link them back to your YouTube channels for further inquiry.
7.                 Personalize Your Channel
Putting your face in front of the camera has provided great results for bloggers, fitness, success and life coaches, entrepreneurs or anyone with an ideology to join his or her base. This means that not every "video" needs to see your beautiful face, but every video should have a personal message from you. Even if you want to have a camera in front of you, you should at least try to put your video on your face or cover image. This helps to build trust and create emotion.

How to activate Money on YouTube:

1.      Sign in to your YouTube account.
2.      In the upper right corner select your account icon.
3.      Click Creator Studio.
4.      In the left menu, select Channel> Status and Features.
5.      Click on the Active Finance section.
6.      Follow the on-screen steps to accept the terms on YouTube

How to earn money from youtube

There are many ways you can make money from YouTube. In general, YouTube makes money from advertisers, sponsors, affiliates and others. Let’s take a closer look at each.
·        Ads Earn Money from YouTube

·        Working with brands

·        Selling products or merchandise

·        Crowdfunding

·        Events

·        Traffic to affiliate links

·        Attracting sponsorship

·        Hire your video

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