Thursday, July 18, 2019

Happy Employees , Successful Business - Steps for Strong Workforce

1.1.Proper Training
Trained employees work as team is most beneficial to the company in various ways. Each unit, each department each branch, from smallest team to largest team of company must work in harmony to achieve a common goal.
Training Manager has a great impact on company as he has to train new employees for the task assigned. And building friendly environment for employees is a must. Employees must be trained for the given task by supervisors and provide necessary knowledge for the task. Video tutorials, practical sessions in the fields guidelines, seminars, workshop must be held in the premises or outside for training the employees.
1.2. Increase connectivity between employees
Engage employees to work as team and make connection with each employees. Training session for developing communication skills must be offered for employee to increase productivity of the company
Encouraging team concept in company is really beneficial to the company and most successful strategy to succeed in business. For the success of the company team work is most required skill should be developed among employees and company must educate employees via seminars workshop on team work.  (Wormley R, 2019)

1.3.Setting Practical Targets
Employers give the impossible targets to achieve by employees to get more profits. Even the employee tries best to get sales in various ways.
For Example, Department head gives a business executive to close 10 sale orders end of the day. To achieve that goal some BA become tense and unhappy as it is a hard target to achieve.  So the Business analyst tries get the sale order in unethical way lying customers offering unrealistic profits and rewards. Same time this will lead to damage company reputation because the customer was cheated and doesn’t receive mentioned rewards. Next time customer won’t buy products from the company neither recommends the company to his colleagues. (Mintz D ,2019).
Employer suppose give tasks to employees who are trained for the tasks and limit the tasks per day to affordable number for the employee.

1.4.Reward Employees
Prepare a system to reward employees on no of task completed per months. In this method employees will work hard. Employees will be experts in their fields doing many task as much as they can without wasting their valuable time. Also they will be able learn more in their fields without wasting their valuable time. According to reward system company can identify best employees of the year and promote them. (Singer and Bak, 2017)
Employers can give feedback to employees on their performance. Employees need to know their performance on tasks to get promotions and specially for self-satisfaction. When employee can see that company grade their work performances they feel satisfy and happy that their month’s work has been noted by someone. 

Without dedication a company cannot succeed just by completing tasks. Each task need to be completed with dedication. For a task to be success employee must give their best. Committing to the assigned work and see the best solution for the problem without seeking for personal gain from the situation is a good practice.
At the end of the day employee can be happy about the completed tasks he has done with dedication. This work ethic from a manager often inspire co-workers to work hard. Positive attitude employees bring the company lots of luck and profits. So even when hiring people human resource professionals must be interested very positive people. They always know what action to be taken, always have a backup plan, not discouraging from simple break down. (Stanwick and D. Stanwick, 2009)
Mangers must train the staff for performing task effectively as possible. And encourage them to complete given task in given timeline. Seminars and workshops should be held to uplift the motivation of employees in the company and make them have a goal to work for.
1.6.Set Realistic Goals
Tension gives employees need to find the easiest and fastest way out. It can be an unethical action. Employers must not give pressure by giving impossible goals to achieve for the team specially for the sale teams. Give employees time and peace of mind to complete the tasks in time with better solutions. Deadline should not be too tight and access to necessary resources must be supplied to each division. Satisfied and happy employees developed a pleasant environment in the company where it will directly affect the success of company. When employees work with less tension they treat others more friendly and kindly. (Mintz D ,2019).

1.7.Be an Example
Management should perform ethical behavior at first and be an example to the other levels employees. Without management being ethical its hard make the other co-workers to have ethical behavior because they can always point out unethical behaviors of up management. And without punishing um management first they can argue it’s unfair to take action only on them while management violate company policies with power of their positions. (Stanwick and D. Stanwick, 2009)

Data and Information inside the company must not be shared with outside persons expose to public. Information of products and services must not sell to any competitive company.
Employees always bound to a responsibility to keep company’s information safe.
Information entrusted to an employee must be protected. Train employees for keep faith in the company and always faithful to the company and always speak up in the unethical situation.
Customers, distributors and product information and non- public information such as trade secrets, trademarks, patents, records, databases, employee medical information, salary details, employee data, researches, business strategies should not be disclosed to anyone or an outside entity.. Also If any information is leaked, the assigned relevant employee must be held responsible for damage for the company. Therefore, employees will always be alert of information they are assigned to work with. Also the information should be kept from separate divisions in position based level. (Mintz D ,2019).

1.9.Create a Code of Ethics Document
Preparing policies to follow by employee have best response to unethical actions. Those policies must state clearly to employee what is allowed to do and what is not as an employee of the company. Also the document should be included how to report unethical actions to relevant divisions and details of penalties for broken rules of policies. Employers demand to employees to follow the set of rules and policies in the office environment. If an employee violates rules and regulations and perform unethical behavior employers and human resource officer have to take action as per the code of ethics. Considering the nature of unethical actions employer can give warnings. For unethical actions which damage company reputation, destroy company assets or loss company money by an employee during the work are some of unethical actions that need to take actions and punish according to the code of ethics. Firing an employee, charging fine or sue the employees are some of them actions can be taken by employers for critical violations of code of ethics and policies. (Mintz D ,2019).

1.10.  Employee Reporting
Encourage employee speak up and report unethical behavior in the company. Resources show that reporting have increase 65%.  Report to supervisor, Internal Audit, HR of any suspected unethical behaviors, violations of code external legal & regulatory requirements. 1 employee out of 5 employee face issues at the work. To avoid consequence reporting should be safe and discreet. If possible anonymous report system is can be developed to keep inside company and launch necessary background checks and take action.
Get feedback from employees to make policies and rules. They know better than anyone how the system works. When employees suggest rules and regulation they know that they have to follow them. While making plan each employee from different levels, different division are having different experience which may be employer doesn’t notice. So asking employee of their opinion of ethics to be followed by every co-worker will make the document more successful.

1.11.    Divide and Assign
Hand over the work based on skills of employees so the employee expert in selected area of work. So employee doesn’t make much mistakes on work and each team member complete their task to achieve common goal. For example, Employee 1 - Enter data into electronic sheets. Employee 2 - Create Database from Data Sheets. When each employee expert in separate sections they can work faster and increase productivity and save time and cost. (Thukral Arun, 2018)

3.3  . Understand Personal Traits 
There are characteristics of people in the company. so their daily routine and practices can conflict with the code of ethics.
For an example, a religion has a prayer time on Friday and they can leave office and attend religious event. They are excused for specific time period to follow their religious activities. But usual its 8-hour work hours for the company.
Also there are people who like to spend leisure doing personal things during working hours. Even Managers use their powers to spend time on private tasks. So it has become harder to inspire and advise the staff members as they always see unethical behavior of Managers.
Most of Manager level employees doesn’t follow code of ethics misusing their posts, so it’s harder to keep other staff in line. In Companies most of the problem have rose due to unethical actions. To keep employees in circle of ethics company has to educate from the manager level employees. When Mangers and department headers becomes more professional, morale of staff employees can be enhanced. Most of employees with power of their position they blame for their own mistakes to other workers and demote lower level workforce. So the employee loss faith on company. Unhappy employees will directly affect the profits of the company.  Unsatisfied employees work slow and doesn’t provide value service per hour. So the company suffer the circumstance of unethical behavior of managers. Training should start from manager level so that they work on their jobs to supervises people under them and providing necessary facilities need to be given from a company.
Managers failed to perform duties properly may make the company weak.


Human Resource Management and Organization Ethics are important fields in global business environment. This Subject introduces fundamentals of organizational behavior and management. It includes team behavior, communication, leadership, individual behavior, motivation, ethics, decision making, social responsibility, power and politics. Educate people how an organization or a company should be managed explaining fundamental organizational behavior and needed skills to operate a business and other professions effectively. Educate employees how an ethical workforce can be developed. Company, which will operate under good ethics soon achieve success and strong customer base. By applying above solutions building an ethical workforce will be much easier and faster. Challenges, Company have to face while applying new ethics on the employees must be handled wisely. The employer must be smart enough to treat every employee same way as per the code of ethics or else employees begun to point out the shortcoming of management. Manger, Human Resource Professional, technician or cleaner in Company must follow this codes of ethics and employee have responsibility to take action on misconduct the rules and policies with the help of legal authorities. These rules and regulations exist only for keeping the relationship between employer and employee. Code of conduct or ethics are developed to guide the expected actions and behavior of employee. Through guidance of code of ethics, employee behave ethically both in office environment or at home. Code of ethics are not just rules and policies they are a guidance to spend time in productive way for both employee and employer.

Above solutions for unethical behavior will not only build an ethical workforce but also strengthen the employee and employer relationship. By establishing ethical workforce will mostly benefit the employee in many ways. Such as develop faith between co-workers will reduce tension from work, supporting each other for success without any personal agendas will help each employee go success ladder together.

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