Google Adsence is an advertising platform from google . they pay for owners of blogs and web sites to display their ads.
After my higher studies in school i want to do a online part time job which is giving more freedom in life.
Online part time jobs are giving freedom and independence in person life if you be consistent on a field of internet.
So i did try a lot of online earning sites to make some money most of them were waste of time. there were PTC ad-click sites, survey sites which will not give a dollar for month and some are not available in my country.
But I kept on testing their sites somehow I came across Google Adsence . For a year or two I know i want to get Google Adsence but didn't know how. I kept on writing content for my site and blogs. and I learned about Adsence and applied to it. I get activated the Adsence at once I had good content on my sites and blogs.
To get Google Adsence you need one thing
Rich content with no copyright issue.
Here is the link to learn how to create a blogger account and get adsence -->
1 Step - Create a Gmail Account
2 Step - Click on Blogger icon on rectangle icon menu as you see below.
3 step - Create a blog giving a name for the blog.
4 step - Create new posts - Choose a category you are expertise about. and share your knowledge by providing content here. click on New Post to create a post with images, videos and texts. Post Unique content and based on the content here you can create a crowd.
5 step -Apply for Adsence
when you getting traffic to your blog you will be eligible for applying adsence for content.
click on Earning Tab.
In here "how to apply for adsence will be change to "Sign up for Adsence" text
Then click on that click and apply for adsence
By login in adsence account you can check your balance and you can withdraw money monthly
So Start your blog today!
Happy Blogging Guys!!!